If you are a beta tester you should click on the link!
'you will need a user name and password'
'it might take a couple minutes on a white screen to load'
Industrial Engineer
Brunel UK, SFSU
California Republic
Joined on 7/15/08
cool, how come nobody told me that there was gonna be a beta testing of this game? (sad face)
i would love to take a sneak peak at the game :D
oh yeah... iv been wondering... what are the jellyfish for? all they do is make electricity around you for a very short period of time when you eat one... do you plan on making a purpose for the jellyfish... or do you just think it would be cool to be electricuted?
yeah, well you know what, i have no idea... the effect is really cool looking.. i dont know what to do with it yet.. maybe make it so you spin around to a random direction or you get a boost of speed or, hmm i am not sure...
aaww i wich i was a beta tester D:
red custom seems good so far, except theres one problem, i noticed you grow when eating fish and i noticed if you get the grow or fly powerup you will go back to your starting size once the powerup is finished.
hey whatsup man,
yeah i know the the power ups gota go, i forgot to take them out when i uploaded the file....