It is pretty cool, but not very Newgroundsy. You should change up the colors a bit. I like it.
Industrial Engineer
Brunel UK, SFSU
California Republic
Joined on 7/15/08
It is pretty cool, but not very Newgroundsy. You should change up the colors a bit. I like it.
hmm you mean make it yellow?
the tank could use some color, it just took so long to take the white out and put in the grey, hahah...
alright i will see what i can do to make it more new new
Embed your fucking fonts for fucks sake. And make the text not selectable. God I hate it when people don't do this :/
haha, i have embedded them i am not stupid,
add new font, and the linkage and everything...
hehe you have a nevous tick to select, hehe
i will make them dynamic non selecable... your crazy
now i am going to have to play a game of Jump! to calm down
I'm glad AS2 is still living with us
allll right :-)
Great!!! you will make a revolution in newgrounds!
hehe, i hope that is serious... if that is so...
i plan on using this kinda of preloader and customizing it for my future projects...
oh and you might wanna fix something, the preloader is stuck on high quality. It isn't the buttons cause I tried right click low.
oh i see, for some reason it should be stopping, ohh i know exactly why, i changed something while it was on the portal and it messed up... alright i can fix it..
Well I thought it was kool : P
alright, lets get noging soon... hhaha